Sunday, May 25, 2008

Not So Young Anymore

After a long day of planting flowers, we received a phone call from our nephew, Mike. He would be joining us for dinner tonight and would be bringing 2 friends. Now don't get me wrong, I love having Mike over and I have no problem with him bringing friends. I just was not expecting it.

I quickly went into Martha mode and began to panic. My house was a mess, we didn't have enough food, I was not showered... How would I be able to entertain? Tom and I had the girls help us pick up, I jumped in the shower and then ran to the grocery store to speed shop. What would I need to feed 3 hungry football players? LOTS!!! We decided on burgers, dogs, brats and anything else I could find to make outside. As soon as I pulled into the driveway I had the young strapping men grab grocery bags and follow me into the house. They actually asked me if I wanted help unpacking?!?!?! My own husband doesn't even do that!

Groceries put away and snacks ready to go outside, I grabbed a beer for myself and went to join the "men". Whenever Mike brings teammates over I am impressed. They are such nice guys. I don't think I knew football players in my day that were this nice. Well maybe a few but not many. Not only are these guys smart they are thoughtful and sweet. They don't seem to be weirded out by our crazy kids or the fact the they are spending time with old, married people. They seem appreciative and are willing to help at any time.

As I sat with them drinking and chatting, listening to their bar stories and party remembrances, many of my own came back to mind. As I would share a few of mine I started to feel older and older. Then I began to think about how old I would be when B brought friends home from college. My stories are somewhat young now, but by then they will be so outdated!

Am I ready for this? To be old? I was carded at the grocery store today too and found that I no longer find it flattering. In fact I usually respond with "Seriously? You think I am under 21?" When I was 25 I'm sure I did look about 21, but now at 35 and 2 kids later? I don't think so. Again...OLD! When did all of this happen? When did I begin to feel old? I am not old, my parents are old, my grandfather is old, I am not old! I guess this is what one feels as they become older.

At least I can still say I hung out and drank with some of the NU football team and I did get a hug from each of them when they left too. Not bad for an old gal, huh? :)


Jen said...

Sounds like a great time Martha!! Way to pull it together!!

Barb Smith said...

Just wait until you're 42 and you have two grown kids (that's me right now)...then you'll really feel old. Well, some days...other days I'm still 20-something. lol

.mk. said...

John's friend and SCL alum, Eric Anderson was nice too. He played at UofM and in the pros.

Hugs, that's hot.

Kat said...

Where are the pictures Martha??