Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Now That She is 6, Time For The Bubble

Today is B's birthday and what a day it has been. She woke up with A at 6:00am ready to open gifts. In our room the girls came and going back to sleep was not on their to do list. By 6:30 I could take them no longer so downstairs I sent them. I stayed in bed till 7:00 and had heard B ask more than once "when is mom getting up?". Down came mommy and down came the gifts. After opening up a bunch the mood was still good and new books were to be read. After 4 magic School Bus books it was time to move on to another new present. High School Musical DVD here we come! The entire movie was watched played while I finished my book. Then it was go time. Time for a shower and getting dressed. Plus, I had a few places to go for last minute details for the big birthday party.

The party went very well. The kids had a great time at the playground and watching the bubble guy. They could not wait to be in a bubble! Plus, not only did the bubble guy give B a gift but, he also gave me a check to donate to the animal shelter too! He was just so touched by B's generosity and kindness that he wanted to have a part. I thought he had a huge part by charging me only half of what he usually charges, but then to donate the other half of his fee to the shelter... WOW! I guess there are some good people in the world after all. I am proud of B for using her birthday to get donations of food and toys for the dogs in the shelter instead of things for herself. Perhaps I am doing something right after all?

This is another of my favorite photos from the day. B had taken her buddy O under her wing. They are cute together too. It is just too bad he lives so far away.

It is hard to remember that this is the same girl that drives me nuts most of the day with her mood swings and temper. Gosh, when she is nice she sure is sweet! Perhaps the 6's will be better that the 5's. I can only hope!


Victoria said...

it was a great day. oh and B was calling O "her cousin"...they sure are sweet together.

Jes said...

I guess cousin makes sense since we call O's mom "Auntie J."

Kat said...

Ok, I love the bubble thing. I think you need to get that for an adult party. The pic with Tato is super cute!

Kat said...

Hey, after all the birthdays this month you have to change your about me section :)

Jen said...

Good for her for the donations. My sister has done that with her kids and her oldest is 9 now and she looks forward to picking different things each year!! That can NEVER start too young!!! Happy B-Day B!!