Monday, May 19, 2008

A Little Baking Going On

A received a "non-baking" princess oven for her birthday. Yes, being the girl that always wanted an Easy Bake oven, I thought this would be a cool gift. Being the science geek, this no-heat baking intrigued me.

Today was the day that we decided to try it out. I made the ice last night so we would be ready today. After lunch was eaten it was time to get a baking.

All of the dishes washed? Check! Hands washed? Check! Recipe card read? Check! After a little water and a bit of mixing the cakes were ready to go into the oven.

They don't look too bad. Sort of cute too. Now add the ice.

Wait 12 20ish minutes for the cakes to finish cooking. This was the hard part. I had no idea what they were going to look like. Well I did have a picture on the box, but something told me our finished product was not going to look like that.

Here are our finished cakes.

Not exactly like I thought, but still good enough for the girls. I figured out that these cakes don't really turn into cake. More like fudge. B thought they tasted ok, A did not finish hers, but did say it was yummy. My little bite was not so good. I don't think I will eat these again. In fact I'm pretty sure if all cakes tasted like these I would never eat cake again.

Over all the girls had fun and I figured out that ice does not bake as well as a light bulb does. Go Figure.


Victoria said...

well at least it was a fun afternoon spent together :)

Kat said...

I am impresses that you at least tried it, though I would probably have been just as intrigued.