Friday, May 2, 2008


I am sooo lucky. I awoke this morning after a not so restful night with a start. how could I have forgotten? What if she knows? What time is it!!!???

The Tooth Fairy never came last night. I know it is only the second time and I forgot. Thankfully it is only 5:48 and I might be able to get it done.

I ran downstairs, well walked quickly since I still have some vertigo and got out of bed really fast, and got the quarters. 4 of them this time for I did learn my lesson from last time. Then as quietly as the creaky floors in my house would let me I went to B's room. I reached in, grabbed her tooth pillow and took it in the bathroom (just in case she opened her eyes).

What!? Where on earth is the tiny tooth? I can not find it in the pillow! I am feeling, looking, nothing. Oh Well guess I will just put the money in and hope she did not move the tooth expecting the Tooth Fairy to find it.

Relax, the money is in and the pillow is safely back where it belongs. B never woke up.

What? Did I just hear money spill to the floor? B is now awake and was just checking if the Tooth Fairy came. I don't think it could have been and closer. I had just finished, turned away from her door, went into my bedroom to get my glasses, and she was up.

Nothing like a jump start to my day. Plus I figure my heart rate was elevated for at least 20 minutes so I don't have to exercise, right?


Victoria said...

wow good timing :) glad the tooth fairy remembered

Kat said...

Oooo, I have had that happen too. Luckily we used the "There must of been a lot of kids that lost teeth yesterday!!" excuse - Let's try again tonight. It worked but I don't know if it would work again :)

JCR said...

I'm so glad you remembered!! And just in time. Good job. :) Did you ever find the tooth? Sorry to hear your vertigo has returned.