Monday, May 5, 2008


I will start with how I forgot how much the first bike ride of the season hurts. Well, not at the time of the ride, but the next day. We took a family ride yesterday. This means I pull the trailer with both girls in it and Tom rides along side of me. Why do I pull the 70lb trailer? I have no idea and let me just say my legs are not so happy today either. It was a nice ride though.

Today I also decided that to begin my "save gas" crusade I biked, pulling the girls in the trailer, to the library. It is only about 1 mile away, but I swear it is a long mile! My butt sure does hurt now. Well perhaps not so much my butt as my "saddle". I will be fine it just takes a little more time riding till I am used to it. So to solve the soreness I have to ride more? Not sure about that solution.

My next OUCH is about my mouth. I though I had made a new friend at B's school and today it might have gone to pot. I am working on a graduation project with another mom, who I like and get along with. She is however much more type A than I am. She has been a big help keeping me on my toes and I'd say doing a lot of the leg work for this project. I thought I was complimenting her today, but later she called to tell me she did not take it as a compliment. I was so taken back. I really don't know if she believed my apology or not. I don't know if I can fix this or how to even. I also really don't know how what I said upset her. I told her how I was so lucky to get paired with her cause I am such a procrastinator and she keeps me on my toes. I swear that is what I said! Really, that is what I said. I don't think I even had a "tone" when I said it. I really meant it as a compliment. So now I am upset for I don't want her to be mad at me or not like me. What a day!

To end on a good note, the weather is great and the girls have been outside all day. I am hoping for early bed times tonight :)


Victoria said...

yea i cannot wait to ride this week, but my butt sure will be sore the day after! and about your comment, how did that offend her? weird...

Kat said...

Are you serious?? I would have definitely taken that as a compliment. I agree with you, I can't see how shetook thatotherwise. Feel free to tell me that whenever you please!!

Jen said...

Hmmmm - sounds a little sensitive! Not good for people like us!! That wasn't even rude at all! Tell her to stick around...Just kidding.

I have a very funny bike riding story but it has to be a 'phone story' because speaking of offending....

Let me know what happens with your new sensitive friend!! Are you sure she was really offended?

JCR said...

Wow. I can't believe she called you just to tell you that. That's unbelievable. And it totally sucks, because I know how it is trying to make new mom friends. Have you seen her since?