Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bad Good News

Tom has been after me for a while to go to the doctor's for a physical. I am one of those people who really don't like the doctor, one might even say I hate them. This comes from many visits to a doctor as a kid that I didn't like. In my mind don't like one, don't like any.

I still see my "lady doctor" yearly and don't mind that, but for some reason that is just not good enough for Tom. I have been having a few more bouts of vertigo. Remember, I swear my thyroid is to blame for my gaining weight too? So I figured I would go and get it all checked out.

Tuesday was doctor day. I went at the end of the day without kids. That alone was worth the visit. The check-up went well. In fact I am a picture of great health. I could not do blood work since I had not fasted for 12 hours. This meant I had to return Thursday. The doctor and I also decided that a tetanus shot would be a good idea since I could not remember when my last one was.

Thursday, with A in tow, I went for blood work and a shot. All went well and I should have results in a few days. At this point I still am convinced that my thyroid does not work and will continue this belief till told otherwise.

Otherwise came yesterday. The doctor's office called to report that my blood work looked great except for my white blood count (a little low). So now I have to deal with the fact that my weight gain is due to me not my thyroid. I am back to depressed, but will not just have to move to acceptance and then get my butt moving. I figure if I did it once I can do it again, right?

One more thing... This shot kills! It didn't hurt going in, but a day later it sure does. I feel like I have a big bruise on my arm. It hurts to lay on it, and when it is pressed. I will have to keep this in mind when the kids get a shot and complain. They are not kidding about the pain.


Victoria said...

so glad everything is fine!!!

JCR said...

I'm glad you went! Sorry about the thyroid. I had the same reaction when my test was normal. What does the low white count mean? Anything to worry about?

Kat said...

Glad you got a clean bill of health. I too avoid the regular doctor. I am sure one of these years I will have to go as well.....sigh.

Jen said...

Good girl for going to the doctor. Those shots hurt so bad a couple days later. I was just at a shower this weekend and one of the ladies was complaining about the same thing. I am pretty obsessive with going to my doc for my yearly physical. I love her and look forward to the visit. If ever you want her name, she is right in Northbrook.