Thursday, April 3, 2008

Trip Well Done

Our week in Naples sure went by quickly. I don't think I can remember a trip when none of us wanted to come home. Not even I wanted to return. The weather was great, the girls had a blast, Tom was in a great mood, and I even got to sit in the sun and read 2 books!

We tried to do a few new things such as the Naples Botanical Gardens. We also did a few that we have done before, the Naples zoo, the girl's favorite playground, and of course the beach.
I am glad to be back in hopes that the warm weather will be here soon, but for now we are all sad to be home and back to real life.
Here are a few pictures (I took about 150) to see.
Here we are at the botanic gardens holding a parrot. B did it all by herself, but A wanted nothing to do with it on her hand. As soon as the bird "bit" A she wanted nothing to do with it at all. Hope she learned not to put her little fingers in front of a bird's mouth again.

OH! The fun one can have in the sand. The girls made lots of castles and just piles of sand. the more they built the more fun they had.

Tom always claims there are not enough pictures of him with the girls. So here is one of B and her daddy on the monkey boat at the Naples zoo. We actually go on a boat around to different islands to look at the monkeys. There are no cages due to the monkey's fear of water. They will not come off the island. Rather cool.

Speaking of monkeys at the zoo...

This might be the only time A has taken Tom's hand while I am around. They did some serious bonding this week. (I did try NOT to notice how often she put her thumb in her mouth at the zoo)


Victoria said...

sounds like a wonderful time was had!!! love the pictures, and i noticed that B is wearing the shirt picked out for her at old navy :)

JCR said...

Sounds like such a wonderful trip. LOVE the pictures. They are all precious. I'd tell you again that you have THE cutest girls ever, but you already know that. :)

Alicia said...

Love the pics! So glad you guys had fun!

Kat said...

The pictures are great! WOW had Abby changed. I almost didn't recognize her she looks so big. Birthdays are right around the corner!

Jen said...

looks like a great time! i enjoyed the pics very much!