Sunday, April 6, 2008

Not Exactly What I Had In Mind

B was looking for her flip flops yesterday and I suggested to her that she go look in the bag, that I had yet to unpack. After a few minutes she came back to me and told me that she could not find them. It was my time to look and I could not find my floor. One would think she should have found it with everything on the floor, but nope. Luckily the flip-flops were found and all was good.

Good news is that due to the mess I am now unpacked! Ok, I have unpacked the 2 bags with clothes. The carry-ons full of toys and things to do are still waiting, but not on my do right now list.


JCR said...

I'm so glad that it takes other people a long time to unpack, too. I'm awful at putting things away...

Kat said...

What a little helper you have! ha ha