Monday, April 28, 2008

Waffle Day

Saturday morning I decided it was time to make the waffles. (Yes, I do sound like a Dunkin Donuts commercial)

For this activity I literally make a bunch of waffles so B can have them all week for breakfast. It is healthier ( I throw in flax) and cheaper for me to do it this way than to buy a frozen box.

B is on a waffle kick right now so that is all she wants for breakfast. This means that a box from the store lasts a few days. My homemade stash last longer.

I don't mind taking the time, but after about the 20th it is no longer is fun. At least I didn't have to make bread too. I am saving that for next week.


Victoria said...

mmmmmmmmm...what a mom you are! homemade waffles WITH flax :)

T3h Qu33n said...

Good Lord! I've never seen so many waffles in my life!!!

Kat said...

Yummmeee! Can you make some for me too...pulez?