Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Kite Time

Uncle John gave the girls 2 huge kites for Easter this year. They have been waiting to fly them ever since. Tom came home from work early yesterday so it was time to try it. the wind seemed good and the sun was shinning, so off to the park we went.
We got the macaw up in the sky and she looked great. The sad part is that she didn't stay up there for long. I think the wind was just too strong so down she came.
B did not want to give up. She was determined to fly the kite. She and Tom tried many times, but no luck. Finally that decided that they would try again another day. It was a good time while it lasted.


Victoria said...

fun!!! where is A and her kite? :)

Jen said...

What a beautiful kite! Looks like a great time!!

JCR said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. And that second picture of the kite against the blue sky if really pretty. You inspired me...I just added a kite to Tato's Amazon wish list! What a great idea for a family outing.

Kat said...

Cool kites!!