Friday, April 25, 2008

What Will She Say Next?

I told B that I would not blog this story, but I think it is so cute and rather funny that I just have to.

As B was getting dressed this morning...

Me: Honey, you have to unzip the jumper or you will rip it.

B: I know mom, but I want to do it this way.

Me: No, you need to unzip it.

B: These jumpers are a girl's nightmare!

Where does she come up with this stuff?

A is not far behind on comments...

Driving in the car A begins the Doodlebop chant.
A: I want to hear the DOOOOO -DLE -BOPS!, DOOOO-DLE-BOPS!!

Me: I am trying to ignor for the last thing I want is to hear the Doodlebop CD again.

A: Hey You!! Don't you hear me? I said DOOOO-DLE-BOPS please!!

Me: Hey you? Oh my. Well I guess since you said please.


Victoria said...

haha, yea at least she used her manners, kind of...

Kat said...

Don't you love our polite little dictators? sigh... they are so loveable - not! ha ha