Saturday, April 12, 2008


So JCR has once again got me to do more time wasting. I joined facebook today and have no idea why? I tried to look up old friends and have found 2. At this time (one whole day) I don't see me keeping this account for very long. Perhaps I need to understand this whole thing a little more, but I'm not sure I want to put forth the time.

I tried to friend some peeps today since my friend list is rather sad (a whole 3 people). But since I can't find people I know what is the point?

I did find one old roommate, but I don't know if I want to contact her. If I recall correctly we did not part all that well. I think it had something to do with me not really liking her boyfriend. I do believe that the boyfriend of which I speak, is now her husband. So you might be able to see why I am not jumping at the chance to reconnect. Perhaps I will try.

So thanks JCR for the idea, but don't be too sad if I drop facebook.


JCR said...

Go back and read my first Facebook post. I was so going to cancel for the same reasons; what was the point...and I am a loser for having only 1 friend. But I'm glad I kept it, because what IrishKat said is just never know who will find you (and vice versa). Give it a few weeks. It's worth it just for the flair!! :)

Victoria said...

NOOOO!!! why did everyone join when i finally left it?!? haha get out while you can!!! and which roomate, meg?

Kat said...

I was happy to see you there. YOu will be amazed believe me

JCR said...

Don't talk her out of it, Vic! ;-)

Jen said...

Sometimes it is best not to dig up the past - in my opinion anyway. I have a hard enough time getting with the people that have not left my life. Most of the time (not always) there is a reason you drifted apart and once you rekindle the friendship, you will be reminded why you left it in the first place. Leave well enough alone!!

On the other hand, there are always those few people that you would love to be in contact with again. I guess it is a gamble...keep us posted!!