Monday, July 23, 2007

Can I go on Strike?

Any one else tired of picking-up toys and other crap all day every day? I find that I am now begining to think before I pick up and then end up just leaving it. Why throw away that napkin? There will be another one there soon. Why put away the crayons? They will just take them out again. Why put dishes in the dishwasher? More will magically appear in the sink. I feel like I now need to clean the house top to bottom due to my thinking. I'm not sure how I cleaned and meals thought out and made before. I just am done and want to go away on an alone vacation. I'm sure when I got back it would be even worse, So why go? Darn thinking!

The girls and I are going to visit my husband's family this week without my husband. I now feel like I need to have the place clean and food in the fridge before we leave. I'm sure the house will not get cleaned while we are gone. I need to pack and get a few other things finalized before then too. As my list gets longer, my time, patience, and will get shorter. I am now finding myself on the computer reading blogs and telling my oldest to find something to do while the youngest naps.

So I ask... Can I just go on strike?!


JCR said...

I will join you! If I have to clean my kitchen one more time, I'm going to scream. I used to keep the house clean all day, but what's the point. Now I do it once a night, and anyone who comes over during the day just has to deal.

Kat said...

Well I want to come too! This whole cleaning thing is getting way old. Though to cheer you up...I once was listening to a speaker and she said if your house is always clean then you aren't spending enough time with your kids. That is my motto and I am sticking to it :)