Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I've Got Nothing

I have now begun to hit the wall on my blogging. What do I do when there is nothing to talk about? JCR has found something interesting to say daily. Me? Not so much. I went to other blogs today and still nothing. I did find a few cute shoes sites and also one for kid's super hero shirts, but couldn't figure out how to get the picture to my blog. So I have nothing!

I am feeling down now that I think some of my lost weight is becoming "found" again. I knew it would happen once I stopped working out daily and since I have been on an eating binge. I mean if it wasn't called working out I might be into it. The word WORK not very appealing to me. If perhaps people called it "resting out" or "easy out". I can't just change the word now because I know what it really is. This is why I knew I should have just stayed fat. Disappointment is so not good for the ego.

The big tear moment today was when B asked me "When are you going away!?" This would stem from the knowledge that her Dad will be gone for 2 days starting tomorrow. Due to the tone of her question she spent 5 minutes lambless on the naughty step. Husband of course thought this was pretty funny, I on the other hand...not so much. So the tears shed were hers, not mine, for the entire 5 minutes.

that is the end of my nothing :)


JCR said...

Oh, that's kind of funny. I'm surprised Tato hasn't said that to me yet. He just tells me to go away. As for the motivation to "work" out...I don't have any either, and I wish I knew how to get it. It sucks! I think it's normal to have ups and downs. Have you tried rewarding yourself at certain goals? Doesn't work for me, but I hear it works for some people.

Kat said...

I say we put (or lock) all four kids in your house and run away! Maybe shopping or for "c-o-f-f-e-e" as B says :)

Anonymous said...

you always have something to sat :)