Monday, July 9, 2007

Lightning Fast

I had such a great bike ride yesterday evening. My brother put new road tires on my bike and man am I fast! I had no idea that taking off the off-road tires would make such a difference in my speed. I should have done it a long time ago. Plus it was about 85 degrees when I rode which is perfect for me. I don't really sweat when I exercise so ridding in the heat makes me drip. I like feeling like I got a work out when I get home all sweaty. I was in such a foul mood before I went out to ride. You know the mood, pissed at everything. Even Tom, who got dinner all ready was not on my good side. So the ride was needed. I called my brother when I got home and sheared with him my increase in speed and gears. I almost can't wait to ride again today. Notice I said almost. Plus the path is all open now so I won't get killed by a truck or yelled at by a "ranger" when I ride it. All good things.


JCR said...

Look at you go! I'm impressed. Your actions are crying out "I want to move back to Boulder." :)

Kat said...

What was that you said?? You are so fast you want to do the tri with Jen and I next year? i thought that was what you said. Maybe we could do the relay??