Friday, July 27, 2007

Our visit in Philly

So we are here in Philly with Marianne. The girls are having a great time as am I.

The flight went very well. In fact I even got to sleep for a few minutes while the girls watched a movie. Sleep is something I never get when Tom flies with us. I don't know why, but it just never happens even though I am the one seated with the girls. A looked super cute wheeling her little Elmo bag behind her all through the airport and the plane. Bridget too had a good time being the helper to me.

All the aunts and cousins again were impressed with the girls. Some were meeting A for the first time. It seems weird to think that she is 2 and some of her aunts had never even seen her. I mean we don't live that far away. We do come in town at least twice a year too. But it was nice to have her seen by all now. The next time will be in September for the wedding.

Well I have to get the girls to leave the dogs alone for now. I think they need a break from the girls and some peace. More soon.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are having a good time...did MaryD say anything at the shower? I can totally picture A walking around with her Elmo backpack :)

JCR said...

Look at you, posting while on the road! You are a true blogger now. I'm glad the flight went well. Have fun!