Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I find it so funny to watch A copy everything that B does. Being the younger sister, A believes that if B can do it, so can she! Today was a great example of this Can Do attitude. We were in our play room watching B spin around to make her skirt fan out. A thought this too she could do. So she pushed B out of the way while telling her"my turn". And she spun her heart out. For the next 5 minutes all I saw and heard was "my turn" as the girls rotated spinning in front of me. As fun as it was I did leave them to take a quick shower.

It also goes the other way where B copies A. At dinner tonight A refused to wear her bib while eating spaghetti and meatballs. So I simple solved this by removing her white shirt for this meal. I figured sauce won't stain skin. Well B to informed me that since she didn't want to get her shirt messy she would take it off too. I looked at Tom and said"I am leaving my shirt on so don't even think about it!" A proceeded to chant through the meal "nakie! I nakie" I really wanted to take an after shot of the sauce covered tummy, but I felt a little funny posting that on my blog. You never know what weirdo might see it.

I look forward to the rest of the copies, for it sure is fun to watch the learning going on. It is also interesting to try to figure out what will be copied and what won't. I have started to figure out that only the things I don't want copied are. Big surprise there :)


Anonymous said...

oh man that is funny!!! A is too cute

Kat said...

No nakie for you? Bet Tom was bummed. You will have to share the belly pics with me later though! PS: I had to type "fib" as my password topublish the comment - pretty funny IL girl.