Tuesday, September 4, 2007

1st Day Report

Here she is, my big Kindergartner! She looks so grown up now. She swears she is sooo big, "like a 7 year old". I however, hate to try to imagine my baby as 7.
Her day went very well. As B says "it was just great!"
I took her this morning only to find that on the first day all parents take their kids to their classroom. I'm not sure if this is due to the kids not wanting to carry all their supplies, or if the parents really want to see their 7th grader's classroom.
Whatever the reason, it meant there were very few parking spots open in the huge lot. I, lucky in parking, found a spot and didn't have to walk miles.
When we got in the building B found her name on her locker and opened it right away. In the classroom she found her name tag and gave me a big hug. That was it. All the nerves that she had been talking about seemed to vanish. I'm not even sure I even got a "look back" as I left the room.
I myself had no tears either. I found that 2 years of pre- school and 3 years of day care prepared me for this day. Perhaps when A goes to school I will shed a tear. For now my eyes are all dry.


T3h Qu33n said...

Oh my god! She is so adorable and big. Matt and I are so proud of her. Way to go Bridget!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow!! look at her!!!! where did the past 5 yrs go??? so glad to hear it went better than she was thinking it would :)

JCR said...

SHE IS SO CUTE!!! I'm glad she had a great day. I really like the new pic of you three!

Kat said...

WOW!!! Talk about looking big. And I LOVE the hair. glad it went well for both of you. As a side note, in that uniform she is super cute...could lead to trouble down the road! ha ha