Monday, September 24, 2007

Girls, I need help

So I know this is weird, but I need to get some feedback. I got these shoes and really liked them until I got home and showed Tom. He was not as taken with them as I was. I too began not really knowing if I liked them on me or not.
I do kinda think a round toe makes my feet look fatter and short. Maybe the leopard is good, but need a pointy toe?

SSSSSOOOOOO.... I am asking you, my friends to give my HONEST feedback. B helped me take these photos too.

Joan, just think about what UB would comment on in their message board about this post :)


Victoria said...

i like the leopard print but not the shoe overall...sorry...hehe

Kat said...

I personally like them. They are a fun way to spruce up a casual outfit. Hello!? You asked Tom? Does he like your Crocs? Most men do not. Evry girl needs something sassy in her wardrobe so I say keep them!

T3h Qu33n said...

I love the shoes, but I am not too crazy about the print. I think it's the style that doesn't go too well with the leopard theme.

If you like them, keep them! I would have to throw all of my shoes out before Matt approved of anything I liked!

JCR said...

I absolutely adore these shoes. Seems to be what's in style now, too, from what I have been seeing/reading--the cute twist on a ballet flat.

I don't love them with these particular pants, though. I think they would look better with a narrower pant, maybe even a darker jean.

Definitely keep them! :)

Jen said...

I wanted to type my opinion before reading others but I am fighting the urge to look to the left - AND FAILING.

My first thiught was that they were really cute shoes. Then I thought what the heck would I wear with them? I am thinking with a black shirt and dark jeans, they would look cute. I don't really like them with the light jeans. Too casual or something with the shoes. Don't wear them with the leopard shirt and leather pants I see you walking the girls to the park in - that would be way too much!