Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I decided to get up at 6:00 this morning so I could get in a little exercise before the kids got up and the roofers came. Well, I decided that I did not feel like going to the gym nor going for a bike ride. I decided to spice things up a bit and go do the yoga DVD I have in the basement.

Before I began my yoga I thought I should put the sheets in the dryer since they had been in the washer over night. And while I was there at the washing machine I figured I should get a start on the many loads of laundry I have to do today. So I looked a one of the baskets and began sorting. I'm sure there is some yoga move that looks like bending into a laundry basket, turning to the side to throw shirt into pile, and then going back for more. Ok, load in washer, one in dryer, and all laundry in piles on floor. Onto the DVD!

Oh now where is that DVD? I swear it has been down here for weeks. Why can I not find it?! Well maybe if I clean out this cabinet I will find it. So as I began to pull things out I find myself asking "why in the world do we have so many cord and directional booklets for the dish box?" "Do we really need 3 of these books?" I should put all this crap away. There, now that looks better. Still no DVD.

Oh wait I could use the yoga book! I finally began my yoga. Oh this feels good. Remember to breath and relax. Don't think about all the things I have to do today, just breath and relax. Oh no! I did not just hear the squeak on the crib bar coming down did I? No, that can not be the sound of little feet coming down the stairs! I am doing my yoga!!! It is my alone time!!!

Well I guess 15 minutes of yoga is better than nothing right? Plus I should figure in the number of calories I burned from laundry and cabinet cleaning.

Guess now I know why I go to the gym or for a bike ride.


JCR said...

That sums up motherhood perfectly! Love it.

And good to know I'm not the only one who leaves wet clothes in the washer overnight. I literally just put some wet stuff in the dryer before I sat down...

Anonymous said...

good for you! it is the thought that counts more anywyas :)

Kat said...

You kill me. Just think of all the calories you burned looking for the damn DVD! That definitely counts in my book :)