Monday, September 24, 2007

No Wonder Bambi's Dad Was Shot

As you might be able to tell from the heading I am so not liking deer right now. In fact I down right hate them. I am so sick of these animals eating every single plant I put in dirt. Even kinds that are "deer proof" they eat! And the poop! I can't walk in my front yard without hopping over many a pile.

I spent a couple of hours Saturday redoing my front flower garden with fall plants. It looked good with the different color mums. I was smart and did not plant the kale that I like because I knew the deer would eat it. I also figured the deer would enjoy the pansy, so I said no to those too. Even though it was all mums, I was pleased.

Flash to Sunday morning. I figured that when I woke up I would be missing one newly planted flower garden. Imagine my surprise when I looked out and saw the mums still in tack. I was so excited.

Excitement short lived. I awoke this morning to find not only had the mums been eaten down to roots, they had also been uprooted and strewn about my front lawn!!! They also made a mess of my phlox that I planted this spring in hopes that they would return next year. I am so pissed! I might as well just plant dollar bills and see if the eat those.

How is it with an entire forest preserve, that they live in, they can't find food? Why do they eat my plants and leave the neighbor's alone? I am just so tired of trying to have a nice flower bed only to have it ruined. Like I don't have enough ruined items due to my kids, why outside too?

So I say, watch out deer I no longer find you cute. I am now into finding ways to get you away from my property! Any hunters out there?


Victoria said...

oh no!!! the mums looked really good in the front!!! :( dumb deer!!

Kat said...

You could sprinkle rat or rodent poison around the base of your flowers or perimeter of your beds. That is what I do to kill all the pesties that eat my flowers. I get many a smiles when I find them dead close by :)

Alicia said...

Not to be too technical, but wasn't it his mom?! I'm sure Walt will forgive you this minor detail!