Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just Call Me Bob Villa

After dropping B off at school I took A with me to Lowe's. I wanted to get mums for the flower beds and a set of saw horses. Now to some of you this might sound strange, but I have decided that I need a set. Perhaps now I will finish a few more of my wonderful decorating ideas. I would have finished them ages ago, but didn't have saw horses.

So after finding the horses and convincing A that they really do fit in the cart they are not "to big" I went to look at lights. I have decided project number one for the day would be replacing the 2 very old and very gross kitchen lights. I found a good one for under 20 dollars, so I bought 2 and went in search of mums.

With all my new items, home we went. A decided to watch Elmo, and I though it would be a good time to do the lights. I have never changed out a light fixture, but I did watch my dad do the ones in the basement. Plus I had directions, so really how hard could it be?

Well to start, I decided turning off the main power would be a good idea. My dad just goes with the theory that if the switch is off so is the power. Makes sense, but I didn't want to find out this is sometimes wrong with only A in the house with me. So off went the power. After removing the old light I found that these wires are also wrapped in cloth. This means there are no black wires which the directions tell me to use. I figured the red one is probably the same since there was a white one. Just to be sure I called Dad. And I was right! Next came hooking the wires together. Not as simple as it looks to wrap wires around each other while holding a breakable light fixture above my head. I soon found out that I did not have a large enough plastic cap. (Found this out by calling my dad again). By this time an hour had past and I still did not have a light plus it was time to go get B from school.

On the way home we made a quick stop at the local ACE for more caps and electrical tape (just to be safe). I decided the girls would have to eat in the living room since the kitchen table was being used for parts. This was to their delight and they even got me to turn on the tv. Wow! with the right cap the light went right up. I did it!!! The second one was not so easy. The screw holes were not lined up right so it was very difficult. But I did it!!!

Now I have 2 new, clean lights that I am very proud of. All for under 45 dollars! I guess these home shows I watch do pay off :)


Victoria said...

go jes!!! :)

JCR said...

That's awesome!!

Kat said...

Ooooooo, do I have a job for you! I have been wanting to replace the light above our kitchen table. I think it is hideous. Hee hee hee When can you come over Bobby V??