Monday, February 4, 2008

More Snow!

What does one do with tons of snow and 45 degree days? Yup! Make snowmen. So A and I did just that. In fact here is one of the finshed crew. After I finished this one I was informed that I now needed to make a "yittle one". So A and I began making a little one just for her.
She is so funny. She picks up the biggest amount of snow that her little mittens allow, and as she is placing it on the ball of snow, she is telling me which body part it is. Ears, cheeks, eyes... you get the idea. The photo I wish I had taken was of her snowman and all his arms. When I finished getting the body together we went to look for sticks. We found 2, put them in the proper arm place and I went to get the snowman kit for the finishing touches. When I came back outside I saw that our snowman now had 6 arms and they were in all different directions. A said he needed them. So for a while he kept all his arms.
When B came home from school she too wanted to make a snowman. By the time she got outside it had begun to rain. That did not stop her. She stayed out there set on making a snowman. She is not able to start the ball and roll it, so she just kept making a pile of snow. By the time she was finished for the day it looked like we had a termite hill in out front lawn. Not so much of a snowman, but good time out in the snow!


Victoria said...

awwwwwwwwww!!! she is so proud!!!

Jen said...

Cute snowman!! Pierson is begging me to make one and I have not yet! I guess I will have a rather large canvas to work from after this evening!!!

.mk. said...

THANK GOD for the snoman-making kit. Great idea whoever got that.