Thursday, February 28, 2008

Never Thought About It

I was getting A dressed this morning and pulled out a cute button down short sleeved shirt for her to wear. Well being that is about 20 degrees I figured a long sleeved shirt underneath was in order. So I went right to the long sleeved white onesies that I bought for this exact reason.

I put it on her and as I was snapping it up I realized "this won't work with the potty thing" We are now at the point where A sometimes goes all by herself. So I figured snaps over undies was not the best idea for success.

Lucky for me I did have one long sleeved t-shirt to put on her. I have come to find out that this whole potty has some perks, but then again might not be all it's cracked up to be. Who would have thought?


Kat said...

Just think of the money you will save in diapers (that can go towards more girls clothes of course!!)

JCR said...

Oh wow, I never thought about the onesie issue. I'll have to keep that in mind with Tulip.