Thursday, February 7, 2008

Out Of My Mouth

Big day here in our house, or should I say car? This morning my car was stuck in the driveway due to all the ice/snow. I had to gun it to make it over the ice pond and snow mountain at the end of our driveway. Doing this caused me to knock over one of my neighbor's garbage cans. I said a bad word out loud. So my young passenger heard it. Yup, the big F@#$! came out of my mouth.

Now I really don't use the word much espically around the girls. My husband on the other hand. Let's just say we both figured it would be due to him that the girls learned this word.

He was very pleased to hear that B learned the word now from me and not him. I did go through the "you may never repeat this word" speach. As well as the "It is just a very bad word to say." lecture. She was very into the meaning of the word and why it is such a bad thing to say. I left the meaning at "I don't really know what it means, it is just a naughty word."

So I pray that the 2 times she said it in the car will be the only time she says it. I did try to get across the amount of trouble she would be in if she ever repeated the word. Lucky for me she seemed pretty ok with that knowledge. For I'm sure if it was A she would not care about the trouble just the attention.

Not so much a new topic, just a new story...

Tonight at dinner we had salad with dressing. A asked if I could "pass the dressing up, so she could dip her mato in it." Dressing up? Oh I get it, dressing...dressing up. I thought it was funny!

Have a good one and watch what you say :)


Victoria said...

hehe, dressing up....way to go jes!

Alicia said...

Unto all good mothers a little s@#$ must happen! Glad it wasn't my trash cans! ;)

Jen said...

HA!! That is too cute with dressing up the dressing for her mato!! What a sweetie!

The other word is bond to happen! You have to hope she forgets!!!

JCR said...

That is so funny. I don't think I've EVER hear you say that word! I think that's my favorite part of the story. :)

Kat said...

I can give you the history of the word if you would like. People actually had to wear it around their necks as a punishment. Bet you would love B to wear that punishment to school!